Strive To Promote The Welfare of The Flock

Text: Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks and look well to thy herds. Prov. 27:23

The welfare of every individual is as important as life itself since there is no life sustainability of humans without a good welfare. What does the word “welfare” mean?  Welfare has to do with good condition or state of life which cuts across good service, environment and standard of living. Good welfare promotes individuals wellbeing and sustains their growth economically, socially, educationally, spiritually, physically and psychologically etc. God is the master mind of this concept. The scripture reveals that: God created man and put him in the garden after he had already created all essential needs for his comfort. Gen.1:26-31. Why was it that God did not create man first before creating other creatures? That implies that God is organised and he wants man to enjoy good standard of living on earth. Any idea that is different from this is against God’s programme for man on earth.
As individuals, we must have human face in our daily dealings with our fellow humans since we are all God’s image. Promoting the welfare of our flocks must be paramount to us for the sake of our present and future betterments. When the flock’s welfare is being promoted by you, you are promoting your welfare as well since these flock will in turn affect your life positively now or latter.   Our flock can be seen as our direct or abducted children, immediate or extended family, co-workers or subordinates, neighbours, most importantly, the Church members. It is our duty to always think good of these aforementioned sets of people since as an individual Christian we are representing God on earth in our different categories as God’s flock as well as shepherds of God’s flock. Taking care of the flock is the major work that has been committed to us by the owner of the vine Gen. 7:15, Matt 28:18-20.
My fellow  men of God, good welfare  package for the flock enhances increase in the number of  flocks and improves their standard of living that averts crises, discomfort, injuries, famine, poverty, evils, sicknesses and mortality rate in the society at large. Hence, let us emulate this concept in our daily relationship with our fellow humans.

May God grant to us all the grace to think good of our fellow human beings in whatever position we are. Amen.
