Believe me sincerely, all dreams come true if we have the courage to neglect *FEAR* by moving from one spot and taking right decisions. Our decisions are what brings us into the realization of who we have always wanted to be. And, *FEAR* is the *FIRST ENEMY AGAINST REALIZATION*.
To succeed, we must lose our *FEAR* of being a *FAILURE* because all successful people never got to the stage of being called successful without failing at one point in their lives. The idea of not wallowing on those past failures and ever wanting to get started with strong determination and looking for more opportunities to start over makes us a success.
There can never be another right and plain route to being successful other than working really hard at your own best pace but not on a slow and lazy rate without losing *FOCUS*. *FOCUS* with hardwork are the only things that connect failure to success. *FOCUS* means *FACING ONE COURSE UNTIL SUCCESS*.
Putting blames on your *FATE* and background for being a *FAILURE* is just like expecting and waiting on success without trying to even take a move. Don't boast about how intelligent,relentless and hard working you used to be in the past. *Always FOCUS on the present by working for the future and forgetting the past*.
And lastly,keep productive *FRIENDS* who would help you to keep flying higher without bringing you down again. Never use any man's standard to run your race because not every one who is actually running has a distinct and glorious ending. Don't feel too comfortable sitting and resting in your *FAILURES* because others are failing. *Don't just make a difference, BE THE DIFFERENCE!!!*.
Always remember you can't forever be a *FAILURE* if you live beyond what you claim as *FATE* by surviving above all *FEAR* with keeping *FRIENDS* who are ready to motivate you to do the uncommon and unusual to get something different without ever wanting to lose *FOCUS*.