Good day good people and Merry Christmas.
As we are going into the new year I shall be using my pictures to tell others out there one of my purpose in life and I know that you will also agree with me it worth it after all.
Who is your lieutenant?
In the military a lieutenant is the lowest commissioned officer rank or ranks in many military forces. But for purpose of this course a lieutenant is a person who executes the plans and directives of another.
Oftentimes, a man counted himself as being successful because of his wealth and achievement but all along he hasn't trained others how to be wealthy and successful. All he wants is for people to respect him and gives him accolades.
A successful man is a builder.
A builder that wants to be successful must also commissioned co- builders so that his good works can outlived him. If there is one quality one can take from Jesus Christ then it has to be His discipleship programme and how He also commissioned the disciples to do likewise.
As you go into 2018, if you want to be successful you must train others. As you're mapping out your strategies for greater exploit in the new year, you need to build successful co- builders. And as looking at the new year, you need to help others in order to help your vision. Matthew 4:18-22
A man of vision does not exist in isolation, he makes people grow with him.
What you need to do is look for your lieutenants, train, school and commission them so that they can make more lieutenants for you.
If you're in an industry and no one has paid the price, then set the pace and raise the bar.
Cheers: Mandate Coach